Saturday, June 14, 2008

Food again

I'm not sure if it's because I like photographing food or if it's just a more willing subject that a 5 year old or a toddler, but here are some shots from another practice session.

Here it is straight out of the camera (SOOC)

Here it is post processed (PP'd):

Natural light from a window. No reflector. I wish the shadows underneath weren't so dark- I should've used a reflector. Processing- I brought up the midtones with a curves layer, then added a multiply layer on just the garlic since there wasn't a lot of detail visible with the SOOC shot.

I got some beautiful eggs from someone and decided to try shooting them as well-
This one is PP'd, but just with a simple S curve on the curves layer and an Unsharp Mask. It is also natural light coming from where the top of the image is with me standing above them.

Here they are with more of a rim light-
It's actually the same lighting, I'm just positioned a little below level with them.

Here's PP'd:
I believe it was just a simple curves layer.

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